Pharmaceuticals and their side effects: You have other choices!

When I first started experiencing Fibromyalgia symptoms, after the birth of my second son, I thought for sure I had a debilitating disease that would (based on the pain level) mostly certainly cause death. I could barely get out of bed in the morning, had terrible difficulty taking care of my newborn son and going to work was more than just difficult, it was almost impossible. I am sure everyone thought it was all in my head because no one could diagnose my problem: Fibromyalgia has no outside physical symptoms and cannot be seen on x-rays. But just because no one could figure out what was causing my excruciating joint and muscle pain did not mean that I was a Hypochondriac, it just meant that I didn’t have a diagnosis. After countless hours of research, I KNEW I had Fibromyalgia.

Once I saw a Rheumatologist, who finally diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia, he proceeded to write out a prescription for four pharmaceutical drugs consisting of:

  1. A muscle relaxer;
  2. An anti-inflammatory;
  3. A pain killer; and
  4. A low dose anti-depressant.

At the time I was breastfeeding my son and politely declined the prescriptions. I asked what my options were and the doctor handed me a pamphlet about Fibromyalgia and said “You will need to exercise every day and research other people with Fibro to determine how you will be able to find some relief,” and then sent me on my way. When researching Fibro treatments, the No. 1 treatment is “take your medicine as prescribed.” (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 2011.)  Yes, my Rheumatologist diagnosed me, and that was a relief, but the only real treatment he could offer me, besides “exercise daily” was pharmaceutical drugs. Even if I wasn’t breastfeeding, I wouldn’t have been interested in masking my symptoms with drugs or dealing with side effects of the drugs. The whole pharmaceutical package I was offered was a vicious circle of taking a drug to stop one problem, while causing another problem, which would require yet another drug. This is what many people face every day of their lives because they don’t know where else to turn.

After months of research and talking to everyone I knew about their knowledge of Fibromyalgia, I started to put the data together. Here is a list of my supplementation plan:

Here is a list of my exercise program:

  • I currently take two yoga classes per week (one for strength building and 1 for stretching and relaxation),
  • I attend one TRX personal training class,
  • and I work out in the gym alternating cardio and weight bearing exercises most other days,
  • I also power walk/jog whenever I can and my mini trampoline is one of my best friends.

I attend a community acupuncture session and get a full body, deep tissue massage, both about once per month and I see my chiropractor for regular adjustments and physical therapy when needed. Also, I spend a great deal of time and money on eating a well-balanced diet, with as much organic, all natural ingredients as possible. I avoid ingredients, as much as possible, known to cause a variety of problems including impairing the immune system, such as:

  • high fructose corn syrup;
  • hydrogenated oils;
  • GMO “frankenfood”;
  • artificial colors,
  • artificial flavors,
  • and preservatives.

I eat homemade food as much as possible and whatever pre-prepared food I eat, I make attempts to see the ingredients list before I eat it. Sometimes a little “bad” food is inevitable, but I try to keep it down to a very bare minimum.  I have even recently started avoiding gluten as much as possible because current research is showing that gluten has inflammatory properties which certainly exacerbate IBS; but may also cause further problems with Fibromyalgia.

The point is that I was not a hypochondriac, I did have a real problem, but the only way a doctor knew how to treat me was with pharmaceuticals, which come with side effects. I knew there had to be a better way to treat myself. So after proper research to find the right lifestyle to include daily exercise, proper nutrition and supplements, and utilizing things like yoga, meditation and deep breathing to keep my stress levels down: I am one of the few people who live with low levels of pain/discomfort from Fibromyalgia. Yes, maybe good genes helped me to bounce back but bad genes gave me Fibro in the first place.

Here are some alarming statistics regarding Fibromyalgia:

  • More than 5 million people suffer from Fibromyalgia and approximately 80-90 percent are women. (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 2011.)
  • Approximately 25 percent of all people with fibromyalgia are receiving disability payments. (Yu, 2006.) Millions of others simply live with debilitating pain on a daily basis and have no other alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

I believe this is because Fibro sufferers have not been properly educated or have not researched to find a treatment plan that includes proper diet, nutrition, exercise, supplements and stress reducing techniques.

As proven by the Centenarians (those who live 100 years or longer), the key to longevity is a healthy lifestyle. Common themes among those who live over 100 years include eating a nutritious diet with mostly fresh fruits, vegetables and a small amount of protein of fish, chicken or pork (Sigelman and Rider, pg. 556, 2012.); regular exercise and limiting or avoiding things like smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. (Sigelman and Rider, pg. 355, 2012.) Continually challenging our bodies AND minds is also an important factor.

If we want to live to 100 or even just live a long and healthy life, with as little pain as possible, it seems apparent by the data I have presented here that diet, nutrition, supplements, stress reduction and exercise are very important factors. I am living proof that these things really do matter and if I did not put sufficient effort into these important factors, I could easily be overweight, unhealthy, stressed out and perhaps disabled. Paying close attention to my diet, nutrition, supplementation, low stress levels and exercise has given me a lifestyle (and yearly checkup) that is closer to a healthy athlete than a 47 year old woman with Fibromyalgia, Tendonitis and IBS.

I do not have to guess whether these factors make a difference in my life…I know they do.

Do you have a story about your plight with a health issue that you worked through to overcome without pharmaceuticals? Please share your story! Also, if you have any comments to share, please leave a comment, I would appreciate it!



American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: Text revision. (Rev. 4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

BarbaraA. (2013.) What are the benefits of Arnica? Retrieved from:

Global Healing (2014.) The Health Benefits of Omega 3, 6, 9 Fatty Acids and EPA & DHA.   Retrieved from:

Meininger, Kathryn. (2013.) Glucosamine & Health Benefits. Retrieved from: (2015.) Fibromyalgia Tea. Online Store. Retrieved from:

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. (2011.) What Is Fibromyalgia? Fast Facts: An Easy-to-Read Series of Publications for the Public Retrieved from:

Rogers, Joshua. (2015.) Health Benefits of Valerian Root. Natural Alternative Retrieved from:

Rogers, Joshua. (2015.) 10 Health Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil. Natural Alternative Retrieved from:

Sigelman, Carol K. and Rider, Elizabeth A. (2012). Life Span: Human Development, 7th ed.) Belmont, California: Wadsworth.

Stibich, Mark. (2014.) Turmeric – Anti-Aging Miracle Spice? Health Benefits of Turmeric. Retrieved from

Suszynski, Marie. (2015.) Arthritis and Vitamin D: What’s the Connection? Everyday Health.Com. Retrieved from

Taylor, Shelley E. (2012) Health Psychology, 8th Ed.) Los Angeles, California: McGraw Hill.

The Alternative (2014.) Fact or Fallacy: Do Gin-Soaked Raisins Really Work to Alleviate Pain? The Alternative Daily. Retrieved from: (2015.) Find a Vitamin or Supplement: Angelica. Web MD. Retrieved from: (2015.) Find a Vitamin or Supplement: Magnesium. Web MD. Retrieved from: (2015.) Find a Vitamin or Supplement: St. John’s Wort. Web MD. Retrieved from: http:/

Yu, Winnie. (2006.) If You Become Disabled. Netplaces. Com. Retrieved from (2015.) Rainbow Light Menopause One Multi-vitamin. Retrieved from:

Can Proper Diet, Nutrition, Supplements, Low Stress and Exercise Really Affect Our Health and Lifelong Development?

I have Fibromyalgia (with acute tendonitis in my right arm, shoulder and neck); I am severely lactose intolerant and I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome; which causes some unpleasant digestive and elimination issues. Why do I share so much of my personal issues? To give background as to why I am constantly looking for ways to reduce pain, increase flexibility, calm my digestive issues, live a healthier life and increase my longevity. I want to live to 100 years old and I think it is possible!

Here are four questions to ponder:

  1. Can proper diet, nutrition, supplements, low stress levels and exercise make a big enough difference to our health and lifelong development to make all that effort worthwhile?
  2. Can simply what we put in our mouth and how much we move our body really affect our health and lifelong development?
  3. Is the effort we put into eating an all-natural, fortified and nutritious diet really worth the expected outcome?
  4. Will countless hours spent exercising for heart health and fat loss affect our development enough to prolong life and keep us healthy the way we expect them to?

We no longer define health as: “the absence of illness”…Health is now defined as: balance among physical, mental and social well-being: all 3!

An optimum state of health is referred to as WELLNESS (Taylor, pg. 3, 2012.)

If we make valiant attempts to balance our physical, mental and social well-being, can we be assured that we will not fall prey to illness? Of course not. But making our best efforts may prove worthwhile.

In 2009, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading cause of death in the year 1900 was the flu and pneumonia. The leading cause of death in the year 2006 was diseases of the heart. (Taylor, pg. 9, 2012.) Why the shift? Poor diet with low nutrition, high stress and lack of exercise are among causes for the shift.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention lists the top risk factors of heart disease as:

  1. tobacco,
  2. high cholesterol,
  3. high blood pressure,
  4. physical inactivity,
  5. obesity,
  6. diabetes, and
  7. stress. (Taylor, pg. 44, 2012.)

Most of these risk factors are preventable! Perhaps diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure may be genetic but even then, measures can be taken to control them. What measures can we take to control them? We can take the following measures – wait for it………proper diet, nutrition, supplements, low stress and exercise. Surprise!

Just how important is proper diet, nutrition, supplements, low stress and exercise on our health and development?   Health is determined by genetic and environmental influences AND personal choices we make across our life span. (Sigelman and Rider, pg. 142, 2012.) What we eat, how much we physically challenge our bodies and how we let stress affect us determine our health and our lifelong development.

Do we start off with a predetermined potential of how healthy we could be based on our genetics? Sure. But what we do with that potential is completely up to the individual.  Our genetic potential can certainly help or hinder our health and lifelong physical development but the choices we make in our life can have just as much influence to help or hinder our health as the genetic makeup that was passed down to us from our parents.

Diet and nutrition – just how does it affect our health and lifelong development? A bad diet results in lower core strength, slower problem solving ability, slower muscle response time, and less alertness, just to name a few detriments to our health.

Some other harms to our health caused by a bad diet:

  • obesity,
  • hypertension,
  • high cholesterol,
  • heart disease,
  • diabetes,
  • stroke,
  • gout, and
  • cancer, just to name a few.

According to a National Center of Health Statistics 2003 survey, about 65.2 percent of American adults are overweight or obese as a result of poor nutrition. (Ajmera, 2011.)   Based on the obesity epidemic that we are facing right now, obviously many Americans are eating the wrong diet and way too much of it! Of course, genetics might do their part in helping people to become obese, but because we know of all the health risks that come with being obese, shouldn’t we, as a society, along with the individual, make better efforts to decrease our obese population?

Maintaining proper diet and nutrition is not necessarily a hard thing to do but it does take effort. Researching what foods give the biggest bang for the buck: high protein foods such as Chobani yogurt or no sugar added peanut butter, reading food labels (and rereading regularly because ingredients change), determining which foods are best for your specific body (low inflammatory foods are best for those with Fibromyalgia) and shopping different stores and even different sections of stores makes a big difference. Grocery stores usually put the worse food on the end caps where they are easily seen. The healthy food is sometimes separated into a special “health foods” section but can also be found mixed in throughout the store. Sometimes two products look almost identical, such as ketchup, but if you check the ingredients list, one will have high fructose corn syrup and one will not.

Simply eliminating things like bleached four and artificial ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup,  hydrogenated oils and artificial colors, flavors and preservatives can boost your immune system, which in turn, can improve your overall health.   Unfortunately, societal influences often inadvertently (and sometimes on purpose) encourage poor eating habits rather than good ones (Sigelman and Rider, pg., 153, 2012.) Television and other advertising portray things like super sugary cereal and snacks, prepackaged high sodium foods and soda as food and drinks that are fun and for the “cool” people.  Here is a link to a typical sugary cereal commercial: Fruity Pebbles cereal commercial

Fortunately, health food stores like Whole Foods Market and Trader becoming much more popular and their prices are coming down as more people shop there. I love Trader Joes because every single item in their store has good ingredients and is usually cheaper than buying the same product in a grocery store, but the product in the grocery stores is more likely to have bad ingredients. (It is the only place around that I know of that has nitrate free turkey bacon, grass fed beef, soups in safe cans, yummy Trader Joe brand cereals and bread mixes.) Avoiding bad ingredients instantly makes your food more nutritious because your body can use all of the ingredients in the food optimally without trying to break down what it views as toxins.

Some things our bodies view as toxins are:

  • high fructose corn syrup,
  • hydrogenated oils,
  • preservatives,
  • artificial colors,
  • and artificial flavors: including artificial sweeteners (which the Center for Science In the Public’s Interest recommends that we AVOID.) (Jibrin, 2012).

Other toxins to limit or avoid are some of the most commonly used “licit” drugs: caffeine, nicotine and alcohol (Beidel, Bulik & Stanley, pgs. 322-325, 2012) and it goes without saying to avoid all illicit drugs. When our body has to spend a lot of time and effort breaking down toxins, it lowers our immune system, creates free radicals and makes us more sluggish and can even complicate our body’s elimination process (Your Immune System, Free Radicals and Antioxidants, 2011.) Good health starts in the colon, so we don’t want to impair that process!

Our farmland has been over cropped, much of our food is over processed and therefore less nutritious and our bodies are deficient of proper nutrients; suffice to say – we need supplements.  Something as simple as taking some multi-vitamins and perhaps a simple blood test with our yearly exam to determine what vitamins and nutrients we are lacking could do wonders for our health.

For instance, a deficiency in Vitamin D could help cause:

  • osteoporosis,
  • Alzheimer’s disease,
  • high blood pressure;  and
  • cancer.

Having an adequate level of Vitamin D and perhaps a tad more:

  • aids in cell differentiation,
  • boosts immunity,
  • helps insulin levels and blood pressure regulation.

I have recently found out that Vitamin D plays a key role with the treatment of Fibromyalgia…more about in a future blog. (, 2012)

Is stress really dangerous to your health and lifelong development? Coming soon – the answer to that question and more, in my next blog!

Have questions or want to discuss stress reduction, Fibromyalgia or any health issues, please leave me a comment. I would appreciate it!



Ajmera, Ripa. (2011.) The Effects of Poor Nutrition on Your Health. Retrieved from: (2012.) Benefits of Vitamin D – Vitamin D3 Supplements. Retrieved from:

Beidel, Deborah C., Bulik, Cynthia M., & Stanley, Melinda A. (2012). Abnormal Psychology, (2nd ed.) New Jersey: Pearson.  (n.d.)  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Home Page.  Retrieved from:

Jibrin, Janis. (2012) Detox Your Diet! Self Magazine. New York, New York: 4Times Square.

Sigelman, Carol K. and Rider, Elizabeth A. (2012). Life Span: Human Development, (7th ed.) Belmont, California: Wadsworth.

Taylor, Shelley E. (2012) Health Psychology, (8th Ed.) Los Angeles, California: McGraw Hill. (2015.)  Trader Joes’s Home Page.  Retrieved from:  (2015.) Whole Food’s Home Page.  Retrieved from: (2011.) Fruity Pebbles Commercial. Retrieved from:

Your Immune System, Free Radicals and Antioxidants. (2011.) Free Radicals, Antioxidants, & The Immune System. Retrieved from: